Hi, and welcome back to our channel.
Today we're going to talk about anxiety and its symptoms, some natural remedies for anxiety, as well as the introduction of L-theanine and how it supports anxiety.
I will also touch on how to take l-theanine as well as can you mix any other herbs or supplements with l-theanine to have an even better support for anxiety as well as additional health benefits.
So let's dig into our topic.
[Video Transcript Below + Supplement Links Discussed In Video]
But first, my name is Marcie Vaske and I'm a licensed nutritionist with Flusso Nutrients and at Flusso Nutrients, we work really hard to educate you on different types of supplements that you might come across, giving you more education on how to take them if it's right for you.
We always recommend you speak with a literate supplement practitioner just to be sure that there isn't any contraindications with any medications you may be taking or even other supplements.
So without further ado, let's dig into today's topic, which is
L-Theanine for anxiety and is it a great natural remedy?
So I love this supplement and I've used it for many years.
I am someone who struggles with some anxiety, the feeling of just racing thoughts or worrying about stuff, or kind of that yucky physical symptom in the stomach that you get. That's definitely one of my anxious symptoms.
And so l-theanine has definitely been a best friend over the years.
Anxiety is a very uncomfortable symptom. So for any of you who struggle with anxiety out there, you're not alone. And sometimes what we first go to is going to be a medications.
Now, depending on how severe your anxiety is, everybody has different severity levels of it.
A medication might be warranted and something that helps you the best for sure.
But for those of you who struggle with anxiety more on a mild to moderate level, there's so many supplements out there today that can be super helpful and that's why I want to talk today all about L-theanine.
So for those of you who have been searching for some more natural remedies to help combat those anxiety symptoms, you'll want to listen in today because I think you're really going to be interested and intrigued with l-Theanine.
L-Theanine has been more recently researched, and what it actually is is an amino acid. And this amino acid is found naturally in green tea.
Now, this amazing little amino acid has also been found just to help in general overall wellbeing.
So not only does it give that feeling of calmness and reduce that anxiety, but it's also been very popular for people who have trouble sleeping.
L-Theanine helps cognitive function, so it kind of helps you focus better as well as supporting our cardiovascular health.
So how does L-Theanine reduce anxiety?
And what they find is that L-Theanine actually acts on our GABA, which is a neurotransmitter that is our calming feel good neurotransmitter.
And so it actually lights it up and helps to regulate our nervous system.
Now, it's also found to support our other neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine. So as Athene helps to support or ramp up our GABA, that calms down our nervous system and helps us feel much more calm and gives us more mental clarity.
Now, in addition to that, there's other supports that L-theanine can be used for with that reduction in stress that reduces our cortisol. So taking some athene also helps to push down that cortisol spike that we might experience in a high stress situation.
Or even if you have chronic long-term stress, you can have higher cortisol levels.
L-Theanine also helps that cognitive function, and by taking some athene you can really help to increase your clarity. Also a better focus.
So if you're struggling with some brain fog that comes along with your anxiety, L-theanine can definitely dampen that down. Another great effect of l-theanine is the way that it helps to decrease those physiological symptoms that we get with our anxiety.
So if you get a rapid heart rate, L-theanine can help reduce that. If you get the butterflies and kind of a stomach ache with anxiety, L-theanine definitely helps to reduce that.
So you can hear that L-theanine is very helpful in many different ways for us.
So that's why when I said earlier, just kind of overall wellbeing, it definitely fits the bill. So if you're thinking about, okay, well that sounds pretty good, I'd like to give it a try, but how do I take it?
How to take l-theanine?
When do I take it? How much?
And the best way to do L-theanine is, there's two things.
Number one, if you're having chronic stress or going through a stressful time, you can definitely take L-theanine every day.
I always recommend starting with 100 milligrams, and you can even take 200 milligrams at a time.
You want to stay within about that four to 600 milligram per day dosage, and you'll feel what feels best for you.
So I always say start slow. If you need more, you have room to go up in that.
Now, you heard me say that you can take it every day if you need that support, but you can also just take it as needed, which is super fun about l-theanine because sometimes we get sick of taking all these supplements every day or you just don't really even need it every day.
So I usually take my L-theanine if there's something big coming up or I'm just kind of having a stressful day and I want to calm down a little bit.
So I will usually take 200 milligrams in the morning and then about four or five hours I can tell that that's wearing off.
So then I'll take another 200 milligrams around lunchtime.
Now, that doesn't have to be for everybody, but that's just one example of the way that you can incorporate L-theanine into your life. Now, another really nice, another nice factor of L-theanine is that you can take L-Theanine even to help fall asleep, and it doesn't necessarily put you to sleep at all.
Otherwise it would be tricky to get through our day with taking L-Theanine. But because it has such nice calming effects, if you feel more amped up by the time you go to bed at night and you feel like you've got this hamster on a wheel in your mind,
L-Theanine can really just calm that down and then you get to sleep more quickly.
So taking l-theanine on its own works great, and I always recommend it to people who are really struggling with some anxiety.
Natural supplements for anxiety and depression
Now, if the l-theanine isn't quite doing the trick, there's definitely other herbs and supplements you can pair l-theanine with, and one of them is going to be Magnesium l-threanate, and you'll see this as Magnesium L-Threonate typically, well, that's usually just the threanate, but also there's in some formulations, there's going to be the L-theanine in there as well.
And so taking L-threonate, wow, that's a tongue tie right there, isn't it?
Taking those together can really help make you feel really calm.
Magnesium L-Threonate is going to be a fantastic supplement even on its own just to kind of calm your anxiety in general. And so like I said, combining 'em together is a thumbs up. Another one that's really great is combining it with ashwagandha.
Now, ashwagandha is a type of herb that helps to reduce our cortisol levels by reducing our anxiety. So having a little mixture of athene and ashwagandha on onboard is also really supportive.
So you can play around with the things that your body responds to the best. And I hope, and these couple things that I gave you will give you some ideas on where to begin with that.
So now we know what L-theanine is, how L-theanine works in the body, what kind of benefits l-theanine has for us, as well as how to take it, and that you can also mix it with other supplements.
So I hope this helps you maybe begin researching or understanding that there are supplements out there that can help your anxiety.
So you don't have to take your antidepressant if it's giving you a lot of symptoms. And always talk to your medical practitioner to make sure that it's safe for you to go off of your medications.
But if you're in the world of kind of thinking, I might want to try something, there's lots of natural remedies for anxiety out there.
So I hope this helped you understand more about this, and I hope that I always think that the more information we have, once we know it, we know it and we can always build on that.
So hope you enjoyed the video today, and we'll see you next week. Thanks.
Check out the high-quality supplements we discussed in this video - links below for your convenience!
1) L-Theanine Capsules: https://flussonutrients.nutridyn.com/l-theanine-pro
2) L-Theanine Liquid: https://flussonutrients.nutridyn.com/liposomal-l-theanine-r2201
3) ALL PROFESSIONAL QUALITY SUPPLEMENTS: https://flussonutrients.nutridyn.com & https://us.fullscript.com/welcome/flussonutrients